11 Jan

Leadership and People Development

Leadership Management

Leadership and People Development

What does it mean to be a modern leader today? This is among the top questions on the table of many Top Managers, Board Members, Recruiters and even Head Hunters

The changing nature of work and workers is forcing all the companies and organizations to re-invent and re-define their leadership culture. Current leaders are continually challenged to achieve higher expectations and perform beyond their current capabilities. Nowadays leaders are called and challenged in unknown territories like emotion management and collaborative management among the others.

To reduce their ‘professional pain”, to maximize their effectiveness and contribution to the organization and individuals, leaders need to be equipped with the most relevant knowledge, skills, and behaviours available today.

The courses and workshops in this area are conceived and designed Leaders requiring an alphabetization or an upgrade in some of the most relevant skills, habits and self-discipline required by the today’s challenges.

What you will learn?


Problem Solving and Decision Making for leaders
How to overcome the Immunity to Change
Fixed Vs Growth Mindset in organizations
People Motivation and how to work on it
The leader as a coach in people development
The characteristics of High Effective teams
The organizational transitions challenges for a leader
Emotional Intelligence for Leader
Influence and Persuasion for leadership
Negotiation application in intra-company context
Ethics and Leadership role
Autonomy and self-managament enabling