09 Oct

Business Communication and Interaction

Business Communication and interaction

Business Communication and Interaction

In a business world where people spend more than 30% of their time in communicating and interacting, it’s imperative to be excellent In all types of business communication and interaction. One-to-one, public speaking, meetings and video-calls are some of the business situations where knowing what and how will make the difference.

Being efficient, comprehensible, impactful and entertaining will really change peoples’ desire to interact with you, resulting in a reduction of re-work, frustration and anxiety. For leaders or aspiring leaders, communication and interaction are the two most important aspects of their role. A leader’s guidance depends on clarity, emotional adequacy and the ability to interact with all colleagues.

The courses and workshops in this area are conceived and designed for managers, hi-potential individuals and staff working in top-notch departments.

What you will learn?


Greek rhetorical techniques (Ethos, Logos, Pathos)
Cicero’s Oratorical canons
Non-verbal Communication
Emotional Intelligence
Basic Questioning
Active Listening
Top-down communication approach and storylining
Graphic and Storyboarding techniques
Written Communication basics
Storytelling techniques
Audience Analysis
Audience Management basics
Neuro-science Communication basics
Breathing and stage preparation
Presence and posture
Voice and rhythm management