


Paola is passionate for interpersonal relations in business environment as well as in private life, for how emotions can impact the organisational context as a lever of performance.

She helps people discovering their inner personality and setting a path for personal growth.

Through the MBTI instrument, Paola helps people defining their natural leadership style and developing interpersonal competencies, leveraging their strengths and acquiring awareness on how to influence, motivate and persuade others. 

PhD in business administration, Paola thought 8 years at ESCP Europe, then also has experience as consultant in Human Resources, Organisational Behaviour and Leadership.

Mother of 3 children, Paola is based in Tunis and love pilates and discovering travelling as much as possible.

Paola is certified MBTI.

Paola facilitates, trains and coaches in Italian, French and English.


Problem Solving, Team Management, Written Communication, Oral Communication, MBTI.

To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.