Team Efficacy Coaching
- By wp_1733343
- In Coaching
Team-Efficacy | Coaching
Yet, how important is it to reduce inefficiency and acceptance-time for a new manager arrival? How important is the happiness and motivation of the team for immediate and long-term results?
As leader you need a Team-efficacy Coach. You need a sound professional to help the team to build common vocabulary, create sound trust, the right reciprocity mechanisms and the constructive conflicting management dynamics to guarantee initiative, proactivity and a solid collaborative approach. Those business situations are delicate and you need somebody able to work in parallel, at both individual and group level , assisting in building new habits while creating a more tailored working culture.
Group coaching is ideal for professionals within close departmental fields (i.e. C-lines, HR or same function/departments) or roles (i.e. Project Managers or mid-level managers) who share similar developmental goals. Group Coaching is best suited for leaders and teams who would like to change company culture, improve productivity, address unresolved conflict, or carry forward learning from a professional development program such as a workshop or conference.
Are you ready to untap your team energy?
I'm not good at:
• Building a solid team trust
• Recover from a personal mistake
I’d like to improve in:
• Managing diversity and inclusion
• Managing some psychological profiles
I need help for:
• Implementing a different organization
• Dramatically increase my Team motivation
- Team problem solving approach
- Team trust levers
- Team flow and motivation
- Team immunity to change
- Team collaboration limits
- Initiative and pro-activity
- Team caring and vulnerability
- Internal Feedback
- Team autonomy
- Collective intelligence
- Team productivity dynamics
- Top-down and bottom-up dynamics
How does it work?
A conflictual team atmosphere? A lack of team trust? A difficult leadership transition?
For special situations like an excessively conflictual situation, a lack of team productivity, a difficult leadership transition, a deep and strong coaching intervention can be organized to help you to better manage and succeed.
A special hyper-accelerated and focused project will be defined and organized.
The coaching schedule will be based on 4 inputs: assessment results, constraints, personal and professional goals.
Coaching sessions will be mainly in person at the client site and occasionally via remote media.
It is possible, and sometimes strongly suggested, to record and review the coaching sessions to accelerate the learning and keep track of the improvements.
The coaching program will be tailored to your learning preferences, culture and agenda’s constraints.
It is possible to easily organise remote coaching sessions depending on the following main factors: urgency, expected results and logistics.
Regular follow-up sessions and/or ad-hoc situations, can be organized and scheduled on the basis of the final coaching assessment or the clients’ desiderata.
Talent wins games, team wins championships.
– Michael Jordan
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